A four-disk set of 22 episodes is coming soon to save the day
It's something that's been asked since I've been barking with other Boomer fans on line: "Do you know where I can find DVDs of Here's Boomer, I'd sure like to watch the show again."
Now we can..... with some limitations.
I was nosing around and found an auction site listing for a four-disk box set of Boomer der Streuner DVDs, selling for a high price, like a new disk set could. I had to do a double take and focus on what I was seeing, but there it was, and the accompanying text said that the audio was in both German and English, wow!
The set is in the PAL video format, and Region 2 for Europe, and that's a problem in the Americas which use NTSC formatted video and are Region 1. You may get the disks and not be able to play them on your TV.
Is this disk set legitimate? It appears to be, but this is new information and needs a closer look. The release date is September 18, 2017 at Amazon DE, and all I can see there is the front cover and some screen shots on the product page, but no back cover or booklet is shown. The screen shots are clean and with no network logos. No shot of the opening titles is shown, to know whether they're in German or English.There's also a separate DVD of "A Christmas For Boomer" coming out as "Boomers Weihnachtsfest." That was the pilot episode that began the series in late 1979.
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