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34    INT. ROBBIE'S ROOM - DAY                                                               34
MEADOWLARK Look, Robbie, tonights'a real special show -- as a friend I'd like you to come and sit by the bench.
Meadowlark puts the ticket on the desk. Mrs. Johnson has entered.
MRS. JOHNSON Robbie, I think that's very nice of Mr. Lemon.
ROBBIE I know... and I appreciate it. But I don't think I want to go. Thanks for returning the scroll.
34A ROBBIE                                                                                                   34A
turns and heads out of his room. Meadowlark, Mrs. Johnson shake heads sympathetically. Boomer shaking head exactly the same way.
MRS. JOHNSON (sincerely) I really appreciate what you're trying to do.
MEADOWLARK I just hope I can help.
35    OMITTED                                                                                                 35
36    EXT. PLAYGROUND IN PARK                                                                 
Robbie and Boomer are still playing with the stick.
37    EXT. BASKETBALL COURT - PARK                                                     
Some kids are having a basketball game and one of them spots Robbie nearby. It's BILLY. KID #2 eating banana.
BILLY Hey guys, there's Robbie. Hey, Robbie!

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